Pictures 8-05

These pictures were taken Aug. 2005. We've made some changes. Some examples will be shown here. Check out the Winter 2006 pages to see the most current. We had plenty of grass last summer but due to the drought & winter you will not see much grass in the winter pictures. We do have plenty of good coastal hay.

                                                            Click on the pictures for a larger view

Arena20copy.jpg (60491 bytes)  fieldshot.jpg (33006 bytes)  BanditStall.jpg (62104 bytes)  Shelter1_2_2_06.JPG (51319 bytes)

          Arena                    Field View             Shelter 1&2         Shelter 1&2 Now

Shelter1.JPG (53908 bytes)  Round Pen.jpg (49009 bytes)  Tito26.jpg (66208 bytes) Stall12.jpg (50862 bytes) 

     Shelter 1 & 2             Round Pen 45'    Arena Shelter 1&2          Shelter 3

Shelters.jpg (47659 bytes)  Stalls7.jpg (64625 bytes)  Shelter2a.jpg (44309 bytes)  Shelter4_206_01.jpg (58776 bytes)

Shelter 3 & 4                Shelter 4                   Shelter 4              Shelter 4 Now 

Barn.jpg (45114 bytes)                                   BarnVetStockTack0013.jpg (51259 bytes)                

Barn & Tack Room                         Barn, Tack, Vet. Stock-Now 

                                                                      family11_05.jpg (261888 bytes)  

                                                     Family Christmas Picture 2005 

                                                   Graham, Tammy, Harvey, Janet

                                                                   Laura & Casey

                                                                updated 2-18-06

                                                             Winter Pictures 2-06  



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