Expense Report for 40th Class Reunion

May not be the most professional report but the info is there.

Report for 40th Class Reunion. If you see anything I left out just let me know….Janet Holt

Janet Hanes and Janet Holt are on the checking and savings account.

1-30 Transferred 200.00 out of McCollum savings to Janet Holt checking for VFW deposit (turned out to be total for rental with refund for A/C problems) Current balance in McCollum savings acct. 2134.89 (so we have our seed money for the next one)


Deposit: (classmate money for reunion)               Checks:     

  1. 3-30……150.00                                          1. 500…Janet Hanes(Bill M dep.)…..100.00        
  2. 4-14……150.00                                          2. 501....Beth Hester (decorations)….233.07
  3. 4-29……515.00                                          3. 502…Janet Holt (BillM bal,supp)..1204.06
  4. 5-18……645.00                                          4. Bank maint. fee………………….   10.00
  5. 5-29……135.00                                       5.  teller check for cash (security/bar)     270.00
  6. 6-6.........240.00  (incl. plates at end)                                               Total              1817.13
  7. Total …..1835.00

Check # 504 (got the checks out of order) to VFW for 300.00 (for cleaning dep. & bal. on hall) was shredded…200.00 returned because we cleaned and 100.00 refund for A/C troubles.

So we have (17.87) bal. in checking…could lose another 10.00 for maint. fee? And we had to use 200.00 out of savings for hall rent. Almost paid for the whole thing with current money collected.

We had 114 pay but 16 no shows plus 120.00 for extra plates. (Total in attendance 98)

We gave comp. meal tickets to 4 (registration) 2 (security) 1 (bartend)

We ordered 200 plates from Bill Miller (had to order 200…they require 200 for weekends)

140 chick/brisk plates @ 5.70…………….798.00

60    brisket only         @ 4.45…………….267.00

140 Brownies             @  .40…………….  56.00

                                                    Total   1212.08

                                                    Deposit -100.00  ck 500 Janet Hanes         

                                                   Bal.       1112.08  Janet Holt credit card

We sold 14 combo plates for 5.00 and 4 boxes of brisket for 10.00 = 120.00

The rest of the food was given away (some went to my pot bellied pigs J) Pigs got snack leftovers too. Happy Pigs right?

Janet Holt expenses:

  1. Mailed 73 invitations: 73 x .42 stamps.= 30.66
  2. Black ink cart. (19.92)
  3. Paid Bill Miller balance using JK’s credit card. 1112.08
  4. Office Max: card stock 10 at .13cents, Name badges: 18.49=19.79 + 1.61 tax Total: 21.40
  5. 20.00 cash extra for security officer (thought he was only gonna work 5hrs..he worked 6)

Janet Keckley Total:

  1. 30.66
  2. 19.92
  3. 1112.08
  4. 21.40
  5. 20.00

Total 1204.06 ck 502

Janet Holt did not charge for: (just info to keep up with total costs)

1.       Pens for tables: 7.20

2.       Take out trays: (I bought some but didn’t charge since we had some left over last time)

3.       Color cart for printer (used some but only charged for black cart.)

4.       Printer paper

5.       2 boxes (40 each) of envelopes (can’t find receipt)

6.       144 labels: for mail outs (address and return) I had some.

7.       cds, labels & bags for committee gifts (that’s my treat)

8.       Mail outs for booklets: 3 classmates that couldn’t attend

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